You were born and what did the material world give you as soon as you were born? Nothing. Life is beautiful, and there are no words to express it. A man was born and he was immediately picked up by those who demand money from a little man without money, their own money. The child is not yet required to pay materially, but the prospects are rapidly approaching the hour of reckoning, coming of age. And this injustice is created in this world, initially.
Not a single project in this world will live long if it does not have its own soul, the philosophy of the project. In other words, its core, foundation.
HUMAS System is in the process of creating its core, and while it comes to life, the prerequisites are coming to the fact that the project will be powerful and fair for the majority of people who will connect to this system at any time. We have no doubt that the new asset will be accepted by everyone who can analyze and add 2 + 2.
When connected to the system, there will be no age or gender restrictions. There will be no discrimination. It will be better when future parents, knowing that they will have a new life, will already be connected to the system, and quite calmly, together with their child, will look into their future with confidence. There is Internet after connecting to the system, or it is not, it will not matter much.
HUMAS System will accept anyone who wishes to be protected and pass on their potential to their offspring.
It is already safe to say that the HUMAS System will not break the monetary, political system of government and the system of distribution of funds
between people, the system will push all this aside and offer a person a safe system of creating his own human asset from birth to the end of his days.
HUMAS System accumulates all the positive experiences of creating assets, structures, valuation, financial aspects, accounting systems and everything that serves to evaluate and distribute assets, removes everything that is not needed, supplements with its vision and calculations, its decisions, and creates a completely new “child” human asset, with which you can not argue and push aside, as something incomprehensible.